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Live a Life You Love with Radical Authenticity

With a focus on self-awareness and radical self-acceptance, I'll guide you to living your best, most authentic life through private coaching sessions.


If you're like many women...

You’ve put your own passions on hold…

You’ve lost sight of what makes you YOU…

You believe, despite all you do, you’re not “enough”...

You’ve lost your purpose, identity, or passion.

You’re not alone.

36% of women feel like they’re not enough

41% claim their life hasn’t turned out the way they hoped

84% feel disconnected from their identity and purpose

ENOUGH. It’s time to stop running on autopilot, ditch what’s holding you back, and create your best life.

Whether you’re a mother, a business professional, or an empty-nester, I can help you bring out the brilliance, power, and clarity that are already inside of you to unearth the passions and purpose that make you truly shine.
I'm here to walk with you...EVERY step of the way.

Areas of Expertise

I provide coaching in the following areas. You can choose to focus on one area during our sessions or, depending on the coaching package you choose, we can address them all.

Life & Communication Coaching

Do you feel “stuck” and unfulfilled? Are you facing a difficult personal challenge? Are you living for “someday” in the future when (fill-in-the-blank) happens?

Now is the best time to…

  • Break free from your past and the things that hold you back. 

  • Learn the truth about who you are and what you can do. 

  • Grow into the woman you’ve always dreamed of becoming. 

  • Live a life filled with authentic joy and genuine happiness.

Expect to be seen, heard, and supported along your path of rediscovery—I’ll walk with you every step of the way.

I offer a safe, judgment-free space where you can show up as yourself—perfectly imperfect. During our sessions, I’ll ask you a lot of questions, challenge your perspective, and hold you accountable for your actions and goals. 

Introducing the "RealTalk Women" Monthly Membership & Content Vault

Do you feel like you're constantly searching for answers, whether it's learning how to deal with your child(ren)'s behavior, connecting more deeply with your partner, or getting ahead at work?


Maybe you have it all together and you want to maintain the peace and work on yourself.


Enter... the "RealTalk Women" Monthly Membership and Content Vault. This is your tribe. A virtual community of women—who share your struggles—who aren't afraid of real talk about...well, anything! 


Plus, you'll have instant access to my best content with actionable tips and tricks on self-growth, parenting, relationships, and leadership (with weekly updates).

Coaching Packages

A payment plan is available if you purchase a package of sessions. You can pay in full or set up automatic bi-weekly payments. I do accept HSA/FSA payments.

Designed to provide a quick, focused insight into a pressing issue and boost your self-awareness with guidance.


  • One 60-min session via Zoom or phone

  • After-session notes with more insights and actionable steps

  • Recording of session for you to refer back to at any time


If you upgrade to a package after this session, the price of this session will be deducted from the package price, and this session will count as the first session of the package.

"Power" Session

"Progress" Package

Designed to “unhook” you from what's holding you back and help you decide what you want—and a plan to get it.


  • Four 60-min sessions via Zoom or phone, weekly or every 2 weeks

  • After-session notes with more insights and actionable steps

  • Recording of each session for you to refer back to at any time

  • Chat support from me in-between our sessions

  • Downloads and handouts specific to your coaching journey

This package is for you IF:

  • You want to give life coaching a try

  • You're facing a specific, minor issue in your life

  • You want to make impactful life changes, quickly and decisively

  • You want a plan you can immediately implement

"Deep Dive" Package

Designed to be intensive and tackle your self-limiting beliefs to help you achieve your big personal goals.


  • Eight 60-min sessions via Zoom or phone, weekly or every 2 weeks

  • After-session notes with more insights and actionable steps

  • Recording of each session for you to refer back to at any time

  • Chat support from me in-between our sessions

  • Downloads and handouts specific to your coaching journey

  • BONUS ($99 value): True Colors Personality Assessment and 30-min Zoom debrief with me

This package is for you IF:

  • You want to go deeper with your challenges

  • You're facing multiple issues in your life

  • You want to address more complex issues (e.g., self-worth, anxiety)

  • You want to experience longer-term results in different areas of your life

"The Awakening" Package

Designed to take you through my entire process and to transform your life, work, and relationships.


  • Twelve 60-min sessions via Zoom or phone, weekly or every 2 weeks

  • After-session notes with more insights and actionable steps

  • Recording of each session for you to refer back to at any time

  • Chat support from me in-between our sessions

  • Downloads and handouts specific to your coaching journey

  • BONUS ($99 value): True Colors Personality Assessment and 30-min Zoom debrief with me

  • BONUS ($99 value): "Stop Playing Small" e-Course (self-paced)

This package is for you IF:

  • You're serious about making impactful and lasting life changes 

  • You want to become your best self—confident, authentic, and full of joy

  • You want to explore many different issues at a more instense, deeper level

  • You want to be truly "awakened" to your full potential in life 

Ready to create a life you love?

Step 1

Request a FREE
30-min Zoom conversation to determine if we're a fit for each other.

Step 2

During this initial conversation, I'll learn about your struggles, and we'll create a way forward to reach your goals.

Step 3

Once the contract is finalized, we'll begin the process to get you on the path to where you want to be. 

Step 4

Live in your truth, write your own story, and watch your life unfold in amazing and unexpected ways!

Now is the best time to get started.

Hi! I’m Dr. Renea Skelton

As a certified Life & Communication Coach with over two decades of experience, I help my clients use emotional intelligence and effective communication to achieve their biggest personal and professional goals.

Unlike other life coaches, I use a unique approach where I help you reflect on your past to heal pain that's holding you back, and I facilitate your self-discovery to create future possibilities. I’ll help you become your own life coach so that you tackle life’s challenges with clarity and confidence.

Having a deeper understanding of who you are, how you show up, and how others see you allows you to shift your life into what it's meant to be. It’s a game-changer.


"I highly recommend Dr. Renea Skelton as a Life Coach and also her True Colors Workshop. It was wonderful! She offers great communication advice in all areas of business and personal relationships!"


Kathy Deen

Real Estate Agent, Lynch Legacy Realty Group

"I needed direction in my life and was seeking to be less reactive when communicating with others. I sought out Dr. Renea Skelton's coaching methodology, as I viewed it to be a more genuine and realistic approach to everyday issues that I encounter as a woman."


Carolyn Flinn

Enterprise Account Manager, HotelPlanner

“Dr. Renea has a way of EMPOWERING you to believe in yourself and your specific situation so you can bring clarity and purpose to your next steps and move forward. I have action steps and HOPE toward MY preferred future."


September James

Independent Senior Sales Director, Mary Kay

What My Clients Say...

  • What's the difference between a life coach and a therapist/counselor?
    Think of a life coach as a guide to your future. I'll help you figure out where you are now and where you want to go. Like a supportive friend, I'll make sure you stay on track and provide you useful, actionable strategies to reach your goals (forward-thinking). Therapists and counselors are more like detectives of your past. They dig into your history to understand why you think and act the way you do today. They uncover the mystery behind your behaviors and help you rewrite your story (past-thinking).
  • It seems like you only coach women. Do you coach men and children, too?
    Yes. Although I primarily coach women, I do have male and youth clients who benefit greatly from 1:1 coaching sessions.
  • What makes your coaching approach different from other life coaches'?
    My coaching methodology is not "cookie-cutter," and I use an unorthodox approach. I want my clients to not need me, meaning my goal is to turn you into your own life coach so that you can tackle life's challenges with confidence and clarity. You are a unique individual with a unique perspective and challenges. So, I do not use the same coaching approach across all of my clients. I tailor the tools, resources, and sessions to your journey and needs so that you get the most out of your time with me. I also provide session recordings for you to refer back to later, after-session notes with more insights from me, activities for you to put what you learn into practice, and supplemental materials that many life coaches (including therapists and counselors) do not provide.
  • What credentials do you have as a "Certified" Life and Communication Coach?
    I hold many certifications in life coaching and training, including the Emotional Intelligence EQ 2.0/EQ360 Certification from The EQ Development Group and the Master Facilitator Certification from the United States Air Force Academy. I also hold the following certifications: G.R.A.C.E. Coach (Gratitude, Respect, Accountability, Courage, and Engagement), Back of the Room Instructor Certification, Core Values Coach Certification, and Enhancing Human Capital Certification.
  • What does it mean that you're a "Certified True Colors Master Trainer"?
    I'm a True Colors Master Trainer (one of only 5 in the world), which means that I've earned all True Colors certifications: Elite Facilitator, Certified Facilitator, Team Building, Communication, Conflict Navigation, Consultative Selling, Teaching & Learning Styles, and True Parenting. Being a True Colors Master Trainer also means I can train others to become Certified True Colors Facilitators so that they can conduct their own True Colors workshops. The guidance I provide to my coaching clients is shaped, in part, by my True Colors expertise.

Frequently Asked Questions

Personality Profiling Assessment

Get unique insights into your own personality type and decision-making style with a True Colors online personality assessment.

Everyone has a dominant personality color (Orange, Green, Blue, or Gold) and a full personality spectrum made up of all four colors.


Understanding your spectrum—and how it makes your personality so unique—will help you communicate more effectively with everyone in your life



What's included in your personality profiling assessment...

A personalized 25-page report describing your behavioral tendencies

30-minute Zoom deep-dive session ($300 value) to discuss the results

Tips on recognizing the dominant colors of other people in your life

Effective tips for communicating with people of all personality types

Ready to transform your life?

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